August 30, 2020

Recovery is a choice

I'm a recovered anorexic. Plan and simple. I no longer count calories. If I see something I like, I buy it and eat it. No guilt. No sorrow. Its just food to me.

7 years ago, I was also an active part of the pro-ana community. I was one of the most active and well-known members. I had a thousand followers on Twitter and would document my daily struggles.

To this day, I still believe recovery is a choice. You cannot force someone to go into recovery against their own will. It won't work; they won't recover. They'll game the system just enough to be released. Then, its back to starving themselves.

I don't agree with the "anorexia is a lifestyle" mindset. No, its a disease. A disease of the mind that manifests and physically destroys your body. That's my main issue with the pro-ana community; that some people promote it as a lifestyle. However, the one thing I will agree with them on is that recovery is a choice. 

Do not force your family member or friend into recovery. Don't say shit like "if you don't recover, we can never be friends." Just don't.

Support your friends. Encourage them to recover. But don't force them to do anything.

In the end, recovery is a choice.
