February 02, 2013

My Bullying Story

Bullying sucks. No doubt about it. So why do people bully? Because they are scared, weak, and all round pathetic. Back in Russia, I was known as the peace maker and I always broke up fights and stood up for the people that were affected by bullying. Guess that's who I am. But now that I live in Canada, things are different.

First off I want to say, it gets better. This may sound cheesy but it's true. To anyone that is being bullied out there, it really does get better. Stay strong and be yourself; you can make it through. I am not saying that because that's what society wants me to say but I'm saying this because I was bullied myself. When I first came to Canada, everyone picked on me because I was Russian. I spoke in a funny accent, that meant I was to be harassed. I always stood up for myself but being surrounded by bystanders that did nothing, a different environment, didn't help.

Within the first week I decided it was right to talk to my teacher (my parents were busy working so I decided not to concern them). Well, let's say my teacher is an asshole. He was born and raised in America during the Cold War. So, he naturally hated me right off the bat. When I told him about my classmates bullying me, he just shrugged his shoulders and said, “Didn't see them doing anything to you.” This is funny because in his class, my classmates are contently sending my harassing notes, excluding me, and throwing stuff at my head. He just turned a blind eye.

The bullying at school declined but that didn't mean is was smooth sailing away. I decided to bring this matter up with the principal. I told him about what some people were doing to me and how some teachers were turning a blind eye. He immediately took action and talked to those students that I named. He was able to stop the playground bullying but cyberbullying was another story. I created a Facebook account meaning that my classmates could cyberbully me. Yay me! I blocked the majority of them but not before they sent harassing messages and left nasty comments.

A couple of months later, my friend (yes I do have a few), said that they found a blog talking about how bad I was. I decided to take a look at the blog and found it quite offensive. This is what they said about me:

“He is a fucking Russian skinhead who can only think about having sex. You know what, I'm pretty sure he's wanted for rape back in Russia. He has already had sex with his girlfriend that he claims he loves. Well if he loved her he wouldn't have ditched her when she found out she was pregnant. Ya he ditched her for a hotter chick.”

Okay now that crossed the line. Saying that I was wanted for rape! What the hell is wrong with you people. What did I ever do to you!? I love my girlfriend and I would never ever leave her! The blog has since been deleted.

I have always found myself asking “What did I do to deserve this?” Well these are the main reasons why they bullied me:
  • I started dating the hottest girl in the school.
  • I am a Niall Horan lookalike.
As you can see they are just jealous of me.

It just bothers me that people will bully someone just because they are jealous of them. Even nerds. People bully these people because they're jealous of how smart they are! I know I'm stereotyping now but it's true! Bullies bully people for one of two reasons. The first is that they are jealous. The second is that they are an emotional wreck and need to take it out on somebody.

I hate bullying. I don't understand why people do it and I don't understand why people just turn a blind eye! Stand up! That is all I have to say! You have to stand up in what you believe in! If you see someone being hurt, don't just ignore them. Help them out. You don't even need to confront the bully, just help the victim up! It's that simple and I hope one day people will stand up and help those that need a hand.

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