February 05, 2013

Why I Disagree with PETA

This is going to be a quick rant about the Canadian seal hunt and PETA.

Every year tens and thousands of baby seals are killed for their fur in Canada. They are shot and beaten to death. You can see that Grace Park is against this but I am... not. Why? Because what are we going to do when the seal population grows too high? What are we going to do when seals are dying because there is not enough food to sustain such a large population?  What are we going to do when seals start to destroy the aquatic ecosystem? What are we going to do when Canada’s export value goes down?

Yes I disagree with beating a seal to death but it is something that we have to do. It is a way of population control just like China’s one child policy. If there was another way to reduce the population I would be guessing that the government would employ it. But I don’t think seals will really obey the one seal baby policy. I know you will probably hate me for this but I just don’t see the point in PETA advocating for Canada to stop this. I feel that they should maybe change the way they kill these seals but stopping the seal hunt will cause even greater difficulties. You have to remember to always look at the consequences of such actions.

Okay this brings me to the topic of PETA. I do NOT support PETA. I think they’re ideas are too farfetched and right next to impossible. Their slogan is ‘Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment’. I find this funny because they support adoption of cats and dogs yet they say animals are not to be used as entertainment. Last time I checked my dog entertained me. Talk about hypocrisy.

Also ‘Animals are not ours to eat’? That does not make that much sense. I admit now we have the technology to sustain a vegetarian or vegan diet but two thousand years ago I don’t think that was possible. So animals are sort of ours to eat.

They say they want to stop factory farming. I am sort of torn on that. I live on an organic egg farm; these chickens were free ranged and no antibiotics where given to them. I never experienced a factory farm first hand but I have heard stories. So let’s think about the two sides. If we stop factory farming food prices would go up causing some people to go hungry. But this would help the obesity crises by eliminating cheap fast food (ex. McDonalds). I think about 800 million people are malnourished and 1 billion people are overweight (not sure) so some people might see it as a no brainer to ban factory farming. But what about the economy? Honestly I feel this topic is personal for the majority of people.

What I find really stupid is that PETA says that animals are not ours to experiment on. I admit experimenting to see if lipstick is poisonous is pointless but what about medication eh? How did they find the medication to cure polio? Sacrificing two animals to save the whole species of animals seems to make more since than letting the whole species die off.

So, what do you think?

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