April 28, 2013

Vladimir Really Does like Vodka

Last night I decided to do something incredibly stupid. I drank a whole bottle of vodka. God I have a bad hangover today. If you were on twitter last night, you probably saw a few of my drunk tweets.

Well after I surpassed my daily limit of tweets, I decided to continue talking to people through DM and other sites (FanFiction.net). It did not turn out well. My messages made absolutely no sense and some of them were a little offensive. Sorry about that.

Hockey stop on skates.

Oh, than after I finished drinking, I thought of the great idea of rollerblading! God I was drunk. So I grabbed my hockey helmet and laced up the skates. I skated for about two minutes before I decided to do something even more stupid; skate as fast as I can and then stop. Mind you I can ice skate but not rollerblade. I picked up a lot of speed then I realized something; I didn't know how to stop. Uh-oh. I panicked and decided a hockey stop was the best thing to do. Not my brightest moment. You actually can't do a hockey stop on rollerblades without falling. So, I ended up falling flat on my face and I badly skimmed my knee. Luckily my helmet had a cage so I didn't hurt my face!
Hockey helmet with a cage.

So, I ended up spending the night at the hospital getting patched up. Not fun.

I just want to say, it was an eventful night! It was my first night out of the inpatient program and I was already back in hospital!

Go Vladimir!!!

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